Sandra Shutiva and Wilfred Garcia White Bear Claw Jar [SOLD]


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Sandra Shutiva and Wilfred Garcia, Acoma Pueblo Potters
  • Category: Modern
  • Origin: Acoma Pueblo, Haak’u
  • Medium: Native Clay
  • Size:
    6.5” Height x 8.5” Diameter
  • Item # C4848ZX
  • SOLD

Artists' signatures of Sandra Shutiva and Wilfred Garcia, Acoma PottersThis exceptional white-slipped jar from Acoma Pueblo features a striking bear claw design. Created by Sandra Shutiva Garcia and executed in clay by her husband, Wilfred Garcia, it exemplifies the couple's collaborative artistry. The piece is signed Shutiva SW Garcia, Acoma, NM on the bottom, marking its authenticity and origin.

Sandra Shutiva comes from a long line of outstanding potters at Acoma Pueblo. Her grandmother, Jessie Garcia, and her mother, Stella Shutiva, were famous for the white corrugated wares that they revived from the prehistoric utilitarian wares.

Wilfred Garcia (1954-present), also of Acoma Pueblo, is married to Sandra Shutiva and is son of Tony and Lucy Garcia; brother of Elliott Garcia, Sr. and Mary Garcia Seymour. They are known for their large white jars with appliques of ear of corn or carvings of cliff dwelling scenes.

Condition: excellent condition

Provenance: this Sandra Shutiva and Wilfred Garcia White Bear Claw Jar is from the estate of a Santa Fe resident

Recommended Reading: Acoma & Laguna Pottery by Rick Dillingham

TAGS: Acoma PuebloJessie GarciaStella ShutivaSouthwest Indian PotterySandra Shutiva and Wilfred Garcia

Alternate side view of this pottery vessel.

Sandra Shutiva and Wilfred Garcia, Acoma Pueblo Potters
  • Category: Modern
  • Origin: Acoma Pueblo, Haak’u
  • Medium: Native Clay
  • Size:
    6.5” Height x 8.5” Diameter
  • Item # C4848ZX
  • SOLD

C4848ZX-bear-claw2.jpgC4848ZX-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.