Joy Navasie, Frog Woman, Hopi-Tewa Potter

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Legacy of the Frog Women: The Artistic Journey of Joy Navasie and the Hopi-Tewa Potters

Hallmark of Joy Navasie, Frog Woman, Hopi Pueblo PotterJoy Navasie, Frog Woman, Hopi Pueblo Potter - copyright Adobe Gallery

Renowned artist Joy Navasie, also known as the second Frog Woman or Yellow Flower, was a beacon of talent in the realm of Hopi-Tewa pottery. Joy embarked on her artistic journey at the tender age of 17, under the tutelage of her mother, Paqua Naha, the original Frog Woman.

Paqua Naha, in the years leading up to her passing, pioneered the white ware pottery style in the mid-1950s. This innovative technique was embraced and perpetuated by Joy Navasie (1919-2012), who diligently carried on the tradition until her retirement in 1995.

The legacy of the Frog Women didn't end with Joy's retirement. The torch was passed on to her daughters - Marianne Navasie, Leona Navasie, Natelle Lee, Loretta Navasie Koshiway, and Grace Lomahquahu, who continue to uphold the family tradition.

A unique aspect of their pottery was the frog hallmark, a signature element used by both Joy and her mother. However, a subtle distinction lay in the depiction of the frog's feet. While Paqua Naha opted for short straight toes, Joy Navasie chose to portray them as webbed, adding a personal touch to her creations. This nuanced difference serves as a testament to their individual artistic identities within the shared tradition.

Image of Joy Navasie copyright Adobe Gallery and the photographer.  

TAGS: Hopi-TewaPaqua Naha, Pueblo PotteryLoretta Navasie Koshiway