Kerry David, Hopi Pueblo Carver

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Artist Signature and Hallmark of Kerry David, Hopi Pueblo CarverAward winning artist Kerry David is of mixed heritage. His mother is Diné of the Navajo Nation and his father, Les David, is a Hopi from First Mesa. Kerry is a nephew of Neil David, Sr. He started carving katsina dolls when he was only seven years old.

Kerry David was born in 1963 at Walpi Village at First Mesa at Hopi Pueblo in Arizona.

His awards are many: 1987 Best of Division, Museum of Northern Arizona; and 1987 Best of Class, two First Class, and a Third Class, all at Colorado Indian Market in Denver. Many of his carvings are in the collection of the Museum of Northern Arizona, and numerous private collections.

TAGS: Hopi Pueblo, Katsina Dolls, Neil David, Sr., Les David