Adobe Gallery Blog

Large Hopi Pueblo Polished Red Wedding Vessel by Garnet Pavatea - 25913

Category: Pottery | Posted by Adobe Gallery Team Member | Fri, Nov 25th 2016, 2:46pm

Garnet Pavatea Pottery - 25913Garnet Pavatea (1915-1981) Flower Girl was a long-time entrant in the craft exhibit and won many awards by doing so.  She also seemed to be a favorite of the Museum of Northern Arizona.  She was often a demonstrator at the Craftsman Exhibition.  For a number of years, Adobe Gallery had a standing order from the Museum of Northern Arizona for any Garnet Pavatea pottery available.


This large stone-polished red wedding vessel has a beautiful, smooth, highly-burnished finish.  It is completely devoid of painted designs. She extended the polishing down into the interior of the vessel, a step that was not necessary but that demonstrates her attention to detail.


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