Art of the American Indian Frontier: A Portfolio [SOLD]

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David W. Penney
  • Subject: Native American Art
  • Item # 1-56584-251-0
  • Date Published: 1995
  • Size: 24 Pages - 24 Plates
  • SOLD

From the outside cover:

The next best thing to viewing the items featured above in person is to examine them in this visually stunning portfolio. Replete with twenty-four beautifully printed, unbound, full-color plates, Art of the American Indian Frontier opens the door to the rich world of North American Woodlands and Plains Indian art.

The art contained in this portfolio - all from the renowned Chandler-Pohrt Collection - includes colorful men's and women's clothing, buckskin and porcupine quill bags, woven sashes, jewelry, smoking pipes, and other decorative and ceremonial objects, all made between 1800 and 1920. The design and craftsmanship are witness to the creative spirit that endured even in the face of continual governmental attempts at forced assimilation.

The illustrations are discussed in an accompanying booklet by David W. Penney, curator of Native American Art at The Detroit Institute of Arts. In addition to a general introduction to the art of each region, Penney explores the design and traditions that inform each object. Together, the images and text provide a fascinating introduction to an exquisite art tradition that not only survived, but also flourished over the last two centuries.

David W. Penney
  • Subject: Native American Art
  • Item # 1-56584-251-0
  • Date Published: 1995
  • Size: 24 Pages - 24 Plates
  • SOLD

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