Kachina-Figuren der Hopi-Indianer - Kachina figures of the Hopi Indians [SOLD]

Horst Hartmann
- Subject: Katsina and Other Dolls
- Item # C4025ZA
- Date Published: 1978
- Size: 285 pages SOLD
Kachina-Figuren der Hopi-Indianer - Kachina Figures of the Hopi Indians
by Horst Hartmann
Published by Museum Für Völkerkunde Berlin
This book is presented in the German language only. It is profusely illustrated with color and black-and-white photographs. For the photographs alone, this book should be in your reference library.
Horst Hartmann

Click on image to view larger.
- Subject: Katsina and Other Dolls
- Item # C4025ZA
- Date Published: 1978
- Size: 285 pages SOLD