The Cross & the Sword

- Subject: Hispanic Arts & Culture
- Item # 0295959169
- Date Published: 1982/01/01
- Size: 144 pages SOLD
From the Back Cover:
Everybody and every community should pause at some time during their growth to take stock of the past and the present before advancing into the future. "Fronteras 1976," under the able chairmanship of Hamilton Marston, is such a pause in the life and growth of San Diego aimed at achieving a better understanding of ourselves and of our frontier with Mexico that exists less than twenty miles away.
"The Cross and the Sword" is the Fine Arts Gallery's contribution to "Fronteras." By this extensive study of the arts of the Spanish, Mexican and contemporary periods we hope to convey, so others can better understand, the religious and secular past of the San Diego area. To reach a broader audience the catalogue has been printed in both English and Spanish and the exhibition labels are also bilingual.
- Subject: Hispanic Arts & Culture
- Item # 0295959169
- Date Published: 1982/01/01
- Size: 144 pages SOLD