Book - The Essence of Santa Fe: From a Way of Life to a Style

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Kingsley H. Hammett, et al.
  • Subject: New Mexico History/Resources
  • Item # 1-58685-406-2
  • Date Published: 2006/12/01
  • Size: 247 pages
  • SOLD

From the Jacket:

Invented in 1912, the concept of “Santa Fe style” was a fabrication from its inception, intentionally devised to attract tourists. Like its predecessor, today's version reflects a conjured connection between the city's indigenous charms and the endless efforts to sell it. Yet beneath the relentless marketing beats the heart and soul of an unpretentious town, where most people live a simple life, eking out a modest living, raising families, and observing the same traditions they have for 400 years, while paying scant attention to the swirl of real estate and tourist hype raging around them.

Through a rich blend of historic and con

Kingsley H. Hammett, et al.
  • Subject: New Mexico History/Resources
  • Item # 1-58685-406-2
  • Date Published: 2006/12/01
  • Size: 247 pages
  • SOLD

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