The Telling of the World: Native American Stories and Art [SOLD]

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W.S. Penn
  • Subject: Native American Art
  • Item # 1-55670-488-7
  • Date Published: 1984/10/01
  • Size: 240 pages
  • SOLD

From the outside cover:

How did the earth, animals, and humans come into existence? How does one earn respect and honor? Why must all creatures die? These, and other questions inspired the stories that constitute The Telling of the World.

The anthology contains legends and stories from many Native American tribes and nations-Mohawk, Sioux, Cree, Nez Perce, Yakima, Cherokee, Zuni, to name but a few collected from both traditional and contemporary sources. These inspirational tales follow the path of life-from creation and birth, through adolescence, family relationships, love and marriage, death and renewal. Words recounted by respected storytellers reveal a unique approach to the world, as well as a desire to pass along the knowledge necessary to lead a good life. Taken as a whole, the stories reveal an innate power to entertain, to instruct, to bind people together into a healing community, and to provide an identity and a unifying vision.

W.S. Penn
  • Subject: Native American Art
  • Item # 1-55670-488-7
  • Date Published: 1984/10/01
  • Size: 240 pages
  • SOLD

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