Turquoise Treasures - The Splendor of Southwest Indian Art [SOLD]

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Spencer Gill, et al.
  • Subject: Southwest Anthropology and History
  • Item # 0-912856-25-4A
  • Date Published: 1975/12/01
  • Size: 88 pages
  • SOLD
From the outside cover:

Here is an exciting treasure house filled with the color, beauty and fascination of turquoise. In photographs of incomparable quality and color, you will see the varieties of turquoise and the ways of its use. You will see nuggets from present-day mines and turquoise beads and mosaics from ancient pueblos. Here is jewelry with the traditional motifs and in bold contemporary designs. You will be able to compare the treasures of yesteryear with the masterworks of today, for photographer Jerry Jacka has selected examples from each decade over the past century. You will become acquainted with the many art forms of the Southwest Indians and the land in which they live. And you will learn the story of turquoise, treasured through the centuries for its beauty and magical powers.

Spencer Gill, et al.
  • Subject: Southwest Anthropology and History
  • Item # 0-912856-25-4A
  • Date Published: 1975/12/01
  • Size: 88 pages
  • SOLD

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