AMERICAN INDIAN PAINTERS a Biographical Directory [SOLD]

- Subject: Native American Easel Art
- Item # B000J42DNO
- Date Published: 1968, Soft cover, first edition
- Size: 269 pages, new condition SOLD
Wonderful biographical directory of more than 1,187 American Indian painters: includes bio and career facts, honors, exhibitions, collectors. Listed alphabetically with tribe names and places of exhibition.
Details of more than 1,100 Indian artists’ careers have been located and compiled for this work, making it by far the largest single body of such data at the time of its publication. All available information to the time of publication has been included.
One of the primary problems in listing these individuals was that of spelling Indian names. Since all transliterations are basically recorded in a foreign tongue, i.e., that of the White man, the net result has been a variety of forms in which these names have appeared over the years; in many instances the same name appears in several spellings.
Of the total of 1,187 artists included in this book, approximately 1/3rd were contacted personally. In addition, 157 public museum holdings and 973 private collections were indexed.
AMERICAN INDIAN PAINTERS a Biographical Directory
Compiled by Jeanne O. Snodgrass
Museum of the American Indian Heye Foundation
1968, Soft cover, first edition - 269 pages, new condition