Artists of the Rockies and the Golden West [SOLD]

- Subject: Western Artists
- Item # C4191T
- Date Published: Spring 1977, Volume IV, Issue 2, softcover
- Size: 64 pages, illustrated SOLD
Artists of the Rockies and the Golden West
Spring 1977, Volume IV, Issue 2, softcover, 64 pages, illustrated
Artists Featured in Articles
Arnold Friberg
Koshare Collection
Robert K. Abbett
Heather Bartmann
Filis Coit
From the Introduction
“Anyone questioning the value of investing in art today had better take a trip to La Junta, Colorado. There they can witness first hand how young Koshare Scouts with little art knowledge, selected works of art that pleased their own youthful tastes and one by one hung them in their Kiva.
“Using Indian art as a tool for teaching them the history of the American Indian, ‘Buck’ Burshears guided these young men who put together a major collection of art which also includes basketry, pottery, and Navajo weaving. And this all started with coins from the pop machine.
“Many of these same scout, now involved in businesses and professions all over the United States, have significant collections of their own, and if they’re within Buck’s range he’s a frequent visitor.”
The articles that we feel would be of prime interest to our clients are the ones on Helen Hardin and Fremont Ellis. Helen Hardin, of course, is a well known Pueblo artist who had a remarkable career in art, even though it was shortened by an early death. This article was written by Mary Carroll Nelson, a writer on many art-related articles and books. Fremone Ellis was, of course, an early famous Santa Fe European-American artist whose works still command significant prices.
The third article is the one on the Koshare Scout art collection and the history of how it was assembled by young boy scouts in Colorado. Unfortunately, someone cut out an ad in the first page of that article and took away a few introductory paragraphs of the article. Most of the article is intact and quite interesting.