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Hopi Pueblo Kuwan’Heheya Katsinas and Side Dancer by Emerson Quannie - 25875

Category: Paintings | Posted by Adobe Gallery Team Member | Thu, Aug 4th 2016, 3:45pm

Emerson Quannie Painting - 25875It is always tragic when a talented artist passes away at a young age, after demonstrating his or her talent to a limited audience.  The questions always remain whether the artist would have continued in an art career and, if so, whether he or she would have continued producing such outstanding paintings. 


Emerson T. Quannie was born in the Hopi village of Kykotsmovi, on Third Mesa, in 1916. He attended the Albuquerque Indian School in 1932 and, while there, painted a mural at the Albuquerque Kimo Theater. According to his wife, Quannie did very little painting after leaving the Indian School. She knew of only one painting by him after their marriage in 1939. Seymour 1988.


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