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Elsie Worthington Clews Parsons (1874-1941)
  • Subject: Katsina and Other Dolls
  • Item # C4174L
  • Date Published: Softcover, 1920 first edition
  • Size: pg 85-131, bound as a separate document, 21 illustrations
  • SOLD


By Elsie Clews Parsons

Anthropological Papers of The American Museum of Natural History

Vol. XIX, Part IV, 1920

Softcover, 1920 first edition, pg 85-131, bound as a separate document, 21 illustrations, mostly of katsinas and masks and related objects.

The information in this publication was gathered by Elsie Clews Parsons during three visits to Laguna in the years 1917-1918.  Parsons lived about three miles from the pueblo in the home of Mr. E. F. Eckerman. She found this to be positive because disposition of informants was rendered comparatively frank and responsive because they were away from the pueblo.  Her chief informants were the mother and aunt of Mrs. Eckerman; José, sacristan and shiwanna cheani; and Wana, a young woman to whose house in town I paid daily visits.  

The information in this publication was apparently less restrictive in 1920 than today.  It is not likely that Parsons or anyone else could acquire such information now.

Elsie Worthington Clews Parsons (1874-1941)
  • Subject: Katsina and Other Dolls
  • Item # C4174L
  • Date Published: Softcover, 1920 first edition
  • Size: pg 85-131, bound as a separate document, 21 illustrations
  • SOLD

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