Taos Pueblo 14 Piece Miniature Nacimiento [SOLD]


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Alma Loretto Concha, Taos Pueblo Potter
  • Category: Figurines
  • Origin: Taos Pueblo, Tuah-Tah
  • Medium: clay, pigment
  • Size: 1-¼” High x ½” Width each piece - approximately
  • Item # C3325o
  • SOLD


Although Alma Concha is from Jemez/Laguna Pueblos she is most known for the figures she made during her years at Taos Pueblo.  She learned to make pottery from her mother Carrie Loretto of Jemez Pueblo and has gone on to produce some of the most collectible nacimientos.  Her figures have little or no painted designs and are typically wrapped in undecorated blankets.  Usually the human figures have prominent noses and no eyes but the animals have painted eyes.  Alma has been known to make the male figures with the Pueblo chongo but since living at Taos, she has created the figures with Taos braids.  Alma makes nacimientos with large figures and miniatures and uses a slip of red and buff.  This set includes a kneeling Mary and Joseph, three kneeling kings bearing gifts of food, a standing angel, a cow, two lambs, a donkey and the Christ Child in a traditional cradle board.  A manger of paper and straw was added at a later date.  Some of the pieces are signed Alma L. Concho and others are signed Alma.  Condition:  very good condition Provenance:  from a Santa Fe collector Recommended Reading:  Nacimientos by Guy and Doris Monthan

Although Alma Concha is from Jemez/Laguna Pueblos she is most known for the figures she made during her years at Taos Pueblo.  She learned to make pottery from her mother Carrie Loretto of Jemez Pueblo and has gone on to produce some of the most collectible nacimientos.  Her figures have little or no painted designs and are typically wrapped in undecorated blankets.  Usually the human figures have prominent noses and no eyes but the animals have painted eyes.  Alma has been known to make the male figures with the Pueblo chongo but since living at Taos, she has created the figures with Taos braids.  Alma makes nacimientos with large figures and miniatures and uses a slip of red and buff.


Alma Concha | Taos  PUeblo | Southwest Indian Pottery | Figurines | Nacimiento | signature

This set includes a kneeling Mary and Joseph, three kneeling kings bearing gifts of food, a standing angel, a cow, two lambs, a donkey and the Christ Child in a traditional cradle board.  A manger of paper and straw was added at a later date.  Some of the pieces are signed Alma L. Concho and others are signed Alma.


Condition:  very good condition

Provenance:  from a Santa Fe collector

Recommended ReadingNacimientos by Guy and Doris Monthan



Alma Loretto Concha, Taos Pueblo Potter
  • Category: Figurines
  • Origin: Taos Pueblo, Tuah-Tah
  • Medium: clay, pigment
  • Size: 1-¼” High x ½” Width each piece - approximately
  • Item # C3325o
  • SOLD

C3325o-nativity.jpgC3325o-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.