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Grandfather Storyteller and his Enthralled Kid Audience by Beatien Yazz - C3665C

Category: Paintings | Posted by Adobe Gallery Team Member | Fri, Jul 1st 2016, 3:14pm

Beatien Yazz Painting - C3665CWe are all familiar with the famous U. S. Marine battalion known as the "Code Talkers" and the reasons that they were so successful in communicating by code during World War II without the Japanese being able to break their code.  They used Navajo words as substitutes for English words.  As an example, the Navajo word for "turtle" was used for the military vehicle word "tank."  Those Navajo young men, of whom Beatien Yazz was one, have been praised for their contribution to shortening the war in the Pacific.  The reason this worked was that the Navajo language was only a spoken language at that time.  Since, it has been given an alphabet and lexicon.


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